Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas in Atlanta!

We had a wonderful time in Atlanta celebrating Christmas with Nana & Papa Sweet, Uncle Nate, Aunt Melissa and cousins Selah, Shiloh and Levi! Nana designed and handmade the girls these adorable capes and hats for this winter - they each had their own color and was sized just for them! On Christmas Eve we took the girls to Build a Bear where they each got to pick out their own stuffed animal and have it made for them - a gift from Nana and Papa. Our good friends Jan & Mark Johnston (from MI) bought the girls little outfits for their bear/bunnies. We attempted to get photos of each of these items. It was pretty funny. Enjoy the video below!

1 comment:

Stacey said...

"Hold the Bunny...Hold that Bear...Hold the Bunny...Hold that Bear...Hold it Hold it Hold it!!" Love that video guys! hehehe.